at Hermoupolis, Syros island (Cyclades) , Greece on 1–8 October, 2019; chair Prof. Eero Tarasti; assistants Lazaros Papoutsis (Florina, Greece) and Paul Forsell (Helsinki)
- Symposium on “Animation of Cultural Heritages – Renewing, Performing, Preserving”, on 5–7 October; co-directors: profs. Karin Boklund-Lagopoulos, Alexandros Lagopoulos (Athens), Hannu Riikonen, Altti Kuusamo (Helsinki). Papers by participants (30 minutes); participation fee 200 euros.
- The 15th International Doctoral and Postdoctoral seminar on musical semiotics, on 2–5 profs. Márta Grabócz (University of Strasbourg), Demetre Yannou (Aristotle University Thessaloniki), Jean-Marie Jacono (University of Aix-Marseille), Joan Grimalt (Escola Superiore de Musica de Catalunya, Barcelona) and Ricardo Monteiro (Universidade Federal do Cariri, Brazil)
Seminar consists of lectures of the directors, papers by participants dealing with their research projects, and concerts at Apollo Theater; invited guest lecture by prof. Jukka Meurman: “Music and Medicine”. Place: Cultural Center of Hermoupolis, Ritsos Hall. Participation fee 60 € for doctoral students (Greek students for free) and 200 € for postdoctoral students and others. More information on the webpage of the Academy ( and the Musical Signification project
Enrollment to the seminar and symposium by 15 August, 2019 including name, affiliation, title of paper and abstract (half a page); payments due by 1 September to the bank account of the Academy of Cultural Heritages (IBAN: FI40 1544 3000 0285 84; BIC: NDEAFIHH or PayPal:; for applying grants, if you enroll earlier, acceptance of your paper can be sent within one week.
Inquiries (acceptance, programme, travels) at our assistants Papoutsis ( and Forsell (